9 types of massage for penis enlargement

how to do penis enlargement massage

Few men didn't think it would be nice to grow their genitals to "ideal". Surgical intervention radically solves this problem, however, it has a number of contraindications and a difficult rehabilitation period. Today it is not so difficult to independently bring the penis to the desired size with simple exercises directly at home.

There are several ways to massage the penis that affect the elasticity of the cells and help to increase the volume of the cells that fill with blood during erection. You can give preference to one or you can create an individual schedule.


This technique is one of the very first that NUPers have started practicing. Today there are 2 types of this method: wet, dry and lubricated jelqing.

Each of them differs only in terms of execution:

  • Dry(preheat the fabric);
  • Lubricated(it is better to choose a lubricant that also enlarges the penis due to the inclusion of some components in the composition).

Whichever type you choose, the essence of the massage is as follows. Jelqing - "milking", generally resembles the act of masturbation, but the movements should be slow and with effort (tension from the base). It is important not to touch the head of the penis and also not to allow 100% erection.

This exercise takes 5-15 minutes. You have to do this every day, after morning and evening showers. According to men, the result appears after 2-3 months of practice.

Uli technique with modifications

The next exercise runs 100%. erections. Do not include this massage method in the program earlier than 3-4 months later.

Simply put, "uli" is "compression". When the penis is completely saturated with blood, it is necessary to grasp it at the base with the whole hand or with an OK grip for 30-60 seconds. As a result, the cavernous bodies are strongly elongated, their volume increases.

However, excessive enthusiasm for such a technique can lead to vascular lesions, so even experienced NUPs are advised not to do more than 3 approaches.

And also - toggle between several changes:

  • Double Street.You must firmly grasp the penis at the base and make several hand movements towards the head. Then, tighten it with an OK grip in two places: on the pubis and under the head for 30-60 seconds. Also, you can't do more than 3 approaches;
  • Reverse ul.One hand grips the base of the penis, while the other makes backward movements from the head towards the pubis. Time shift should take 5 seconds per point;
  • Jelqing Street. A distinctive feature of this jelqing uli modification is the rigid girth of the penis at the base. That is, the penis receives a double impact, so the corpora cavernosa increases faster.


You can also lengthen your penis to massage it. This is done to affect the ligaments that support the penis. When performing the exercise, it is necessary to completely relax the muscles to avoid injury.

There are 2 types of vehicles:

  • Top, bottom, left and right.You have to grab the head of the penis with your hand and slowly pull it alternately in each direction. At the extreme point, you should linger for no more than 30 seconds;
  • Helical extension (rotation).This is a circular counterclockwise motion. Manipulations should be slow and with direct control over one's feelings. This increases the elasticity of the tissue and the effect on the supporting ligaments helps to increase the length and width of the penis.


massage techniques for penis enlargement

This type of exercise is considered the most dangerous of those suggested above. The fact is that failure to comply with safety rules will reasonably lead to tissue rupture and even the formation of blood clots.

Therefore, in the pursuit of perfection, you must move gradually. To begin with, you should bend the penis in a calm state. And only after a week or two do you approach exercise with a 60% erection.

This exercise is also recommended for men who have a curved penis. The most effective way is to sit on the penis. To do this, the guy has to get up from a sitting position, grab the head of the penis and bring it under the buttocks. In this case, the testicles move to the side (in no case should the penis be placed between them).

How does it work? Due to this extreme flexion, the anterior ligaments of the penis are stretched, thereby increasing the volume of the penis. When performing the exercise, it is important not to sit down and avoid painful sensations.

Massage oil

The use of oils is the key to penis growth. Olive oil enjoys good reviews because it is hypoallergenic. In addition, it contains a huge amount of nutrients. Therefore, it can be applied to the penis without the aim of increasing the length and width, but to improve the appearance and condition of the skin.

Rosemary oil (non-essential) is a good alternative. The components of this agent dilate blood vessels, which has a beneficial effect on increasing the volume of cells. Also, with extreme techniques, small wounds often occur, and here rosemary will become the No. 1 thanks to its healing properties.

Almond oil will be a good accompanying agent not only in penis growth, but also in improving potency. This miracle cure contains zinc. And this substance is responsible for the functionality of male dignity.

Aromatherapy, for example with lavender, will also help improve blood circulation. Therefore, during the massage, it will not be superfluous to turn on a lamp nearby.

Security techniques

Whichever exercise you choose, it is easier to damage the body than it seems. Some techniques are really extreme. It is not uncommon for men, in search of the ideal size, to end up in the doctor's office. By the way, it is with the urologist that you should start your journey.

Examination and examination of the pelvic organs reveal pathologies or infections that are contraindications to any type of massage. Especially if some kind of disease is acute, warming and any manipulation will become a catalyst for the development of pathology.

After making sure that there are no medical contraindications, you can start enlarging your penis using one of the above methods. But don't forget:

  • Heating. Before each exercise, the penis must be prepared. A warm towel works best for this. The penis rotates for 20-30 seconds. This steam cooking minimizes the risk of rupture of blood vessels and gives elasticity to the tissues;
  • Gradual. In the first few days and even in the weeks of lessons, it is important not to act at full capacity. For example, if you need to squeeze the penis for 60 seconds, you need to start from 10-15, bringing the approach time to the recommended one;
  • Instructions.A careful study of the theoretical part will protect against stupid mistakes. For example, during jelqing, you cannot massage the head of the penis. But failure to comply with such a condition threatens with hematomas. Movements should be punctual, affecting only the indicated areas. As recommended. Exceeding the set time will not lead to quick results, but will only become an occasion for many more problems than an insufficiently long period;
  • Relaxing. After the massage, it is recommended to wear cotton, loose underwear and rest the body. It will be right to reserve the evening for exercise.